How to care for a monstera


The Monstera, also known as the Swiss cheese plant because of its unique leaf pattern, is a popular houseplant that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also relatively easy to care for. In this blog post we share valuable tips and insights to ensure that your Monstera thrives and grows into a beautiful eye-catcher in your space.

1. Choosing the right location

Monsteras naturally come from the tropics and therefore need bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a window with filtered sunlight to promote optimal growth. However, avoid direct sunlight as this can damage the leaves.

2. Watering regime

It is crucial to control the watering of your Monstera. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings. Too much water can lead to root rot, while too little water can stunt growth. A well-balanced watering regime is essential for a healthy plant.

3. Suitable potting soil and container

Use a well-drained potting soil that is rich in nutrients. Monsteras thrive in pots with drainage holes to prevent water stagnation. Consider repotting your plant if it becomes too large for its current pot.

4. Regular fertilization

Monsteras are nutrient lovers. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Moderate fertilization contributes to healthy growth and lush leaves.

5. Climbing support

Monsteras are naturally climbing plants. Provide support in the form of a moss pole or climbing frame to give your plant the opportunity to grow upwards. This will not only improve aesthetics but also promote healthy growth.

6. Dealing with pests and diseases

Keep your Monstera free from pests by regularly inspecting the leaves. If necessary, take steps to control spider mites, aphids or fungal infections. A healthy plant is more resistant to pests.


With the right care, the Monstera can grow into a beautiful and lush houseplant. Follow these tips and enjoy the green splendor that this "Swiss Cheese Plant" adds to your living space. Remember to pay regular attention to your Monstera and enjoy the growing process!