A breath of fresh air: discover the top 10 air-purifying houseplants for a healthier home


In our hectic lives full of technology and pollution, we look for ways to create an oasis of peace and well-being in our homes. A simple, yet effective way to achieve this is to introduce air-purifying houseplants. These green companions, in addition to their aesthetic value, have the ability to filter harmful substances from the air, thus improving overall air quality. In this blog post we take you on a journey through the top 10 air-purifying houseplants that not only beautify your home but also contribute to a healthier indoor climate.

1. The Importance of Air Purifying Houseplants

Before we delve deeper into the list of plants, let's briefly discuss why air-purifying houseplants are so crucial to our living environment. These green allies not only help filter harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene, but also increase humidity, reduce stress levels and promote an overall sense of well-being.

2. Top 10 Air Purifying Houseplants for Your Home

*2.1. Areca Palm (Areca catechu) :<- LINK

  • With its elegantly swaying leaves, the Areca Palm is not only an aesthetic addition to your home, but is also known for filtering air pollutants.

*2.2. Sansevieria (Snake Plant) :<- LINK

  • The Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria, is an excellent choice for beginners. In addition to its adaptability, it is known for removing harmful substances and increasing oxygen levels at night.

*2.3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) :<- LINK

  • The Spider Plant is not only an easy-to-care-for plant, but it is also known for its ability to absorb carbon monoxide and other harmful substances.

*2.4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) : <- LINK

  • In addition to its elegant appearance and flowering properties, the Peace Lily is known for reducing mold spores and filtering air pollutants.

*2.5. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii):

  • The Bamboo Palm, with its tropical appearance, is not only visually appealing but is also known for filtering benzene and trichloroethylene.

*2.6. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) :<- LINK

  • The Rubber Plant is not only trendy, but also effective in purifying the air. It is especially good at removing formaldehyde.

*2.7. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata):

  • The Boston Fern is a feather-like plant that not only purifies the air but also contributes to increased humidity, which is beneficial for respiratory problems.

*2.8. Aloe Vera:

  • In addition to its medicinal properties for the skin, Aloe Vera also has the capacity to filter formaldehyde and benzene, improving your breathing.

*2.9. Dracaena (Dragon Tree) :<- LINK

  • Dracaena comes in several varieties and is known for its ability to remove harmful substances from the air, including benzene, trichloroethylene and xylene.

*2.10. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): - A climber with heart-shaped leaves, the Golden Pothos is not only easy to care for but also known for purifying air pollutants and thriving in low light.

3. Care Tips for Air Purifying Plants

Now that you've chosen your favorite air-purifying plants, it's essential to know how to care for them. Here are some general tips:

  • Place them in the right lighting conditions, ranging from indirect sunlight to light shade, depending on the plant species.
  • Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Make sure the pots have drainage holes to drain excess water.
  • Use high-quality potting soil and consider using fertilizers during the growing season.
  • Monitor the leaves regularly for pests and remove dust to promote photosynthesis.

4. How to Style Air Purifying Plants in Your Interior

Now that you have your green air purifiers, you may be wondering how you can integrate them into your home decor. Here are some suggestions:

  • Place them as an eye-catcher on a coffee table or side table.
  • Hang hanging plants for a playful effect.
  • Create a green corner in your kitchen with herb plants.
  • Combine different plant species for an eclectic look.
  • Place large plants such as the Areca Palm in empty corners to breathe new life into them.


With this list of top 10 air-purifying houseplants and care tips, you'll be ready to transform your home into a green sanctuary. Breathe deeply and enjoy the health benefits that these plants bring. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or just starting your green journey, these air-purifying plants will not only brighten your home